Saturday, November 20, 2010


Some dysfunctions can cause disturbances to fat storage below are some of the dysfunctions and their relationship to fat storage. The causes of these disturbances rarely occur individually; one or more of it is found to be present at the same time. The causes or cures are not mentioned, since everybody is biochemically unique and will respond differently to the same treatments. But it’s safe to say, that everyone would benefit from a clean and individualized diet filled with natural foods, lots of purified water, appropriate exercise, deep breathing, and other health promoting activities.
BLOOD SUGAR IMBALANCE:  fat is one of the body’s sources of energy along with carbohydrate and protein. The hormones insulin and glucagon play a vital role in glucose storage (blood sugar) as fat and its release so that it could be converted into energy. Increase in insulin release or an insensitivity of the cells to be receptive to insulin, will upset the balance and keep fat tightly tucked away.
SLUGGISH THYROID: the body heat production and cellular metabolism is regulated by the thyroid gland so if it is sluggish, almost every cell in the body will be operating at a diminished capacity, thereby reducing your body’s calorie burning capacity letting you gain weight at increased fat storage.
ADRENAL INSUFFICIENCY: The adrenal glands help us adapt to stress, and are directly affected by chronic stress. Cortisol, one of the hormones released by the adrenals stimulates the breakdown of protein from our tissues, thus reducing our calorie burning capacity,
Stimulates the fat-storage enzymes, keeping that fat right where we don’t want it and creates hunger signals in our brain, which stimulate us to overeat.
 YEAST INFECTIONS AND/OR PARASITES: If the terrain of our gastrointestinal tract is lacking its normal immune defense, then our body becomes susceptible to overgrowth of yeast and/or parasitic invasion.
This can be a major (and often unknown) reason for increased appetite, intense food (particularly for sugar and carbs) and alcohol cravings, weight gain and a general lack of well-being.
FOOD ALLERGIES: Wheat and other gluten grains, yeast, sugar, dairy, soy, eggs, citrus, chocolate and corn are examples of common food allergens. Eating a food that you are allergic to can slow down metabolism, cause bloating or other digestive disturbances and raise insulin levels, all contributors to fat storage.
TOXIC OVERLOAD: If the eliminative organs; the liver, lymph, kidneys or colon are congested, the toxins that are not being sent out in the waste material are left to wreck havoc on cellular metabolism and to cause a build-up of fat.
DEPLETED BRAIN CHEMISTRY: Not only a source of mood swings, anxiety and depression as well as more serious mental illness, depleted neurochemicals are a physiological link to emotional eating and food cravings.
HORMONE IMBALANCE: Small deviations in normal hormone function can result in system-wide changes in energy production, stress responses and weight gain or retention.
ENZYME, VITAMIN AND MINERAL DEFICIENCIES: Enzymes are needed for every metabolic function of the body, including digestion. When food is not being broken down properly with the help of enzymes, this food invariably gets stored as fat. Vitamins and minerals that are related to weight control play a crucial role in energy production and protection of the cells from damaging toxins.
FATTY ACID DEFICIENCY: As you may have heard by now, there are good fats and bad fats. The essential fatty acids are the good fats that we must get from our diet and are crucial to metabolism. Good fats will help you to feel less fatigued, less hungry and to have fewer sweet cravings.

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